• The male of the Paduan hen cuckooThe male of the Paduan hen cuckoo
  • The female of the Paduan hen cuckooThe female of the Paduan hen cuckoo
  • Detail of the plumage of the male of Paduan hen cuckooDetail of the plumage of the male of Paduan hen cuckoo
  • Detail of the plumage of the female of Paduan hen cuckooDetail of the plumage of the female of Paduan hen cuckoo

The available colors


Plumage in general on the color black is drawn a clear blue strikethrough not too precise, slightly curved and arranged with a regular alternation of the whole pen. Spine regularly crossed the pen.
Duvet must submit a strikethrough regular as the rest of the plumage.
Beak whitish gray; admitted flesh-colored. Tarsi gray with whitish gray haze.

Defects: drawing sparrow strongly leached; without drawing on the feathers of the tail; very black or white on sickle and flight feathers; white feathers; rust; traces floury.

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